Electrical Safety Audit

jcs certifications has been a provider of electrical safety audit services for over one decade. Our electrical safety experts, experienced engineers and field technicians have the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct electrical safety audits for your facility. Electrical hazards continue to threaten safety of people and property in the form of shocks, burns, injury, fire and explosion. With electricity having become an indispensable part of our life, electrical risks are to be managed effectively. Through our Electrical Safety Audit we investigate if complaints and concerns by workers regarding electrical safety is substantiated and whether all other electrical safety hazards has been addressed.

We conduct electrical safety audit considering IS (Indian standard) guidelines, IE (Indian electricity) rules etc. Electrical Safety Audit by jcs certifications ensures organization's adherence to safe Electrical Installation, use of standard operating procedures of electrical intensive equipment and following Electrical Safety Standards. jcs certifications’s Electrical Safety Audit is best suited to organisations that require a detailed and objective evaluation of their electrical safety. Our electrical safety audit is preferred by organisations globally to benchmark their safety management system against best international practice and legal requirements of their countries.